So there is lovely man that I work with, he’s in his late 50s, super nice man, old as dirt but still nice. He’s my trainer for the time being
(I just switched shifts for “training” purposes, meaning some dumb bitch on the other shift didn’t like me and went tattled to her manager husband about me, oh did I mention she’s in her FIFTIES!!!!!, but that’s a story for another time, back on track…new shift, so I’m pretty sure that my boss told my new coworkers that I am retarded and need “special” attention)
back to my story…this lovely old man takes into account that he thinks I’m retarded and makes sure to explain every single task in minute detail to me, normally I wouldn’t mind and I would just go with it, but he has the most VILE disgusting breath I’ve ever smelled and to make matters worse he’s a CLOSE talker. I work in what’s called a clean room so if there is any sort of smell or odor it’s way more noticeable and his breath is so bad that I completely cannot pay attention to anything he's saying bc I'm trying to plan my escape route. At first I just thought it was morning breath…NOPE it’s ALL DAY BREATH! I’m pretty sure if I shoved straight shit into my nose it would probably have a more appealing smell than this man’s breath. I don’t want to be mean to him but there’s only so much breath holding and avoiding a person could do. I thought of just not breathing through my nose and only through my mouth(you know mouth breathers are in this season) but then the mask goes into my mouth and that’s just yucky….so I’m back to square one which consists of me running away or just pinging him on his Nextel. I can’t even offer him gum or candy bc we work in a clean room and it’s against the rules.
Well this was my rant for the day!
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5 years ago
1 comment:
So he basically smells like he ate a shit sandwich?
I used to work with a guy who drank coffee all day and smoked. His breath was HORRIBLE!
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