so i'm still not very good at keeping up with this thing, i'll try and do better. so let's see what's we'll do this in a list format, it might be easier to follow and easier for me to write seeing as how i've had a few glasses of wine. so away we go:
1--> i got married! YAY! two weeks ago. it was wonderful and beautiful and the happiest day of my life. that being said I AM SO EFFIN GLAD IT'S OVER!! i will pat myself on the back and say i wasn't a bridezilla. i had lots of help and it went smoothly. everyone looked beautiful. i have a great new big family and i am SO SO happy about being married. my hubby is great!
2-->i HAAAAAAAAAAATE my job!!!!!!!!!!!!! the job itself isn't bad but the people...oh myyy god the's like highschool but with older uglier people who face you can't see(clean room suit) the shit talking and the dirty looks, i didn't even do anything to these poeple. WHATEVER! NEWS FLASH LOSERS the company is going BANKRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yah the stock closing today was $0.19 today. it's like they refuse to acknowledge that in less than four months they are going to be unemployed. they are a team of ignorant useless uptight assholes who for some reason think they are "cool" bc they spend all day making others feel like outsiders. this one girl did the whole finger wag head shake thing to me then the next day i bumped into her and then like the "mature" 29 year old she is, she PUSHED me! like we were on a playground or drunk in a bar. needless to say i spent most of my day yesterday in human resources droppin dimes like a muthafucka. i hate those people. i start my new shift tomorrow...the good thing about this shift...NO GIRLS! YAY! i don't get along with girls for some reason. i can't wait to quit this job. is that bad?
3--> the husband got orders to GREECE! we leave in february to go to chicago for four months while he attends school, then in june we leave for greece for two years! i'm SO fucking excited it's ridiculous. we bought the rosetta stone thingy so we can learn to speak greek before we get over there. should be pretty cool. i decided(bc i live in a fantasy world where money is no object) that we should live in a villa over looking the beach. i don't know if it's going to happen but i can dream. another really cool part i don't have to work while i'm over there he said i don't have to work i can just go to school full time. YEEEEOW! i'm stoked.
4-->i know other people are thinking this so i'm going to say err write it....CAN THIS ELECTION JUST BE THE FUCK OVERWITH ALREADY?!?!?!?!? JEEZ! i just want to listen to the radio and NOT hear 17 "i'm barac obama and i approve this message" or "i'm john mccain and i approve this message" AUH! i just want to punch babies...shit just play the songs i want to hear and get the hell over it. SHIT!
5-->my dog has a bruised trachea. he ate a rawhide and it got stuck in there and from all the coughing and gagging it bruised the hell out of his trachea, so much so that it damaged the cartilage in the trachea. poor baby. he gets to eat lots of ice cream, soft food, and enjoy lots of belly rubs.
alllllright well i think i'm done for now. i promise i will be better about writing in here.
peace bitches
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5 years ago
1 comment:
"News Flash Losers!" LOL...
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