Sunday, November 30, 2008

I hate you BCS!!!

so the BCS rankings were announced just happens to include which team was going to the Big 12 Championship Game on saturday and judging by the title of this post it did not work out in my favor. i'm trying to be a mature adult and blame it on the jacked up-ness structure of the BCS rather than throwing myself on the ground and kicking and screaming that "IT'S NOT FAIIIIRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" but seeing as how i am still at work for another hour and a half i'll probably just stick to the first option.

seriously though OU and UT both deserved to go, they are both powerhouse teams with amazing programs but it just came down to poilitcs, money, and technicalities...BOO!

there's still a chance for my longhorn boys...missouri needs to stomp the hell out of OU on saturday. i haven't been paying much attention to them other than when texas was pounding them in to the white painted lines on the football field but anything's possible...right?

well that's all for today...just a quick rant.

hope thanksgiving went well for everyone. (<--i did in fact get my deep friend turkey YEEEAIE!!)

kristy j

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

All I want for Thanksgiving is a Deep Fried Turkey

i really was not under the impression that it was such an outrageous demand to want deep fried turkey. i live in VA which depending on who you ask is considered the south, i have NEVER considered this crappy piece of land the south but i digress, i am from the south and wherever you go where i'm from and say deep fried turkey people will just come out of the woodwork and tell you the best place to get it. anyway back to my original complaint...i can't find a place that makes deep fried turkey ANYWHERE within a 65 mile radius(that is how far i will go to get one, no further) these people on the phone really think i'm some kind of redneck reject, the disgust in their voice as they tell me "no we don't make those here...maaaaam" then they hang up. i wonder how many of them have heard me yelling strings of cuss words as i pull the phone from my face? there is something wrong with these so called southerners and thei yankee ways! deep friend turkey is a part of life in the south, it's a necessity at a thanksgiving dinner or any big family get together for that matter. all i want is some deep fried turkey!!!!! and it doesn't look like it's going to happen. boo on you Viriginia!!!!!
if you ever get the chance to move here or visit...just pass! go somewhere else...this place is a shithole...the whole damn state just completely 100% sucks the big one!

i'm done
kristy j

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Monday, November 24, 2008

North Carolina and Martini Mishaps

so this weekend i went to see one of my bestests and her hubby and new baby in NC. it was a faaaabulous weekend complete with plenty of wine, great food, "Friends", and me ruining my laptop with a very dirty martini.

i took loads of pictures and now i have nowhere to upload them too and worst of all the only place i can get on the internet is at work and there are only certain sites and graphics that come up i.e. no blog pictures EVER!

i wanted to come home and blog about how wonderful my weekend was but now i'm completely nervously worried that my laptop is ruined so bad that i can't get anything off of it. it's not like i lost college work or real work for that matter it's the pictures...oh the pictures! i am a picture FAAANATIC! i take pictures everywhere i go, of everyone i meet, of everything i do and then i get home and upload them onto my computer and make albums and scrap books and print them to be framed...and now i might have lost allllllll of them from the last THREE AND A HALF YEARS!!! it's basically like losing my early twenties (i'm twenty four) a lot happened in those three years though:
my deployment from in the navy; my first apartment; my twenty first birthday; my friend's twenty first birthday; all of my trips to boston, DC, georgia, maine, IL; meeting my husband; meeting my husband's family; basically a photo journal of my dog(i don't have kids); my WEDDING!!!!!!! there is so much more but the point has been made

and now i'm facing the harsh reality that it all might be lost... i know i should i have put it on an external hard drive or backed things up or something but i wasn't thinking about that. i'm always SO damn careful with that laptop and then i went and ruined it. BOOOOO on ME!!

i hope either my husband or some savvy computer person can atleast get the pictures off of there for me. i can always buy a new laptop but i sure as hell can't go back three years and get those pictures. (yes i realize this is basically me whining and bitching but whatever it's my blog and i can do that on here)

moving on, i really did have an absolutely amazing weekend! the first night i got there we immediately started sampling different wines that she had there(it was like 1:30pm when i got there and the baby was napping) and she made these tuna cream cheese roll thingies that were simply amazing! we sat around and chit chatted and she showed me her new house and showed me all the things she wanted to do to it. absolutely beautiful house!! after the baby woke up we played with him for a bit, then his daddy took him to get a flu shot. next was dinner, best ribeye steaks EVER! i have no idea what he did but they were yuuuuu-uuum!! after dinner it was time for Friends Scene It Trivia DVD Game! and i'm simply the best at that game! i totally kicked their asses! after the game, was when we broke out the vodka and olive juice for dirty martinis. after a few of these i got careless with my orangutan arms and knocked over the last little bit into my laptop. some blue screen with white letters came up and said something along the lines of "i'm now going to ruin your life, you drunk bitch" and then i flipped out(drunk) and called my husband begging and pleading with him to just fix it pleeeease! at this moment i was far to drunk to realize the intensity of my screw up. he told me to turn it off and calm down, and that's what i did. we continued on drinking martinis and laaaaaaughing at everything. we ended the night early.

saturday started off bright and early,by that i mean sunny and far to bright for someone who spent her evening chugging vodka, also me with the worst headache that i have ever had! it was awful, i woke up and felt fine. i stood up and it was like my brain SLAMMED into my forehead at about 874 MPH. it was so painful i was actually crying as i walked to the bottle of motrin downstairs. thinking back now i usually don't sit down with a bottle of vodka and just go to town. the rest of the day we spent watching football and eating nachos, and quietly preparing ourselves for the drinking that would ensue later on in the evening. the evening began with a tapas dinner set in this super awesome arabian restaraunt. (had we stayed later we would have enjoyed the belly dancers complete with their own band) the food was alright, the first time i ever lamb chops, they were De-Lish!! and it just happened to be a speciatly martini bar! i stayed clear of just straight vodka and enjoyed a few fruity martinis, complete with GLOWSTICKS! i was truly in drunk girl heaven. after dinner we headed down town for some good ole fashioned bar hopping. the first place we went was an oyster bar for drunk singles over the age of 45, definitely not our scene so after a drink and some oysters(<--BLEHK!) off we went. the next place was supposed to be an irish bar...this just happened to be an irish bar with an 80s hair band cover was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! i thought, but my friends not so much...after three beers and two shots off we went. we ended up at ...guess?...a MARTINI BAR!!! so once more we drowned the rest of our giggles out with the slurping of some very delicious and wonderfully colored martinis. it was getting late so we decided to head out but not before buying $6 hot dogs from a street vendor! but i will say they were by far the GREATEST hot dogs ever made, or it could have just been the fifth of vodka coursing through my blood stream, eh who knows?!

the next morning i got up early and headed home to spend some quality time with my new husband. we went on a date and it was wonderful. mimosas and a crab martini(<--noticing a pattern) then a very funny movie(role models, seriously go watch it, it's awesome!!) after the movie we headed home and took a walk in the freezing cold with our dog. it was sweet. then bc we're super lame we went to bed at 9:20pm.
all in all(minus the laptop) it was an absolutely divine weekend!
alright i'm done
kristy j

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Blogger...You are on Notice!

oh how i do adore this website, it allows me to blog about things i deem important or entertaining, i also allowed me to discover the wonderful world of blogging without the added hassle of paying for a domain name BUT then this lovely website decided to be a pain in my ass...

Strike 1-when i tried to change the template for the blog it wouldn't work and froze up. this happened several times, eventually i gave up and just picked a different template(of course after screaming strings of profanities loud enough for my poor dog to run and hide under the table...sorry chaz)

Strike 2- i wanted to do some random surfing and check out new and interesting blogs that weren't tied up in the little blog world in which i drown myself in on a daily basis, so i hit "next blog" button about 78,596 times and to my dismay only 6 were in english and the rest were in different languages and so much HTML it just looked like a damn jumbled mess OR were advertising something i didn't care about. boo!

Strike 3- every single picture i find to put behind my title, blogger finds something wrong with the code and won't let me put it there. i just want a little individuality in my blog but apparently blogger says "fuck you kristy J!" and i repeat said actions in strike 1.

so here i sit aggitated at blogger, no new blogs to read, and i'm at work and it's SATURDAY! i'm missing football and NO NEW BLOGS TO READ! i'm dying over here.

and to make matters worse my trainer ate garlic this morning OH THE HUMANITY!!!!

i'm done
peace out

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

DVR will be the end of me

don't get me wrong i love my DVR but i've gotten SO used to just DVRing everything i want to watch that i don't think about the fact that my DVR and the cable networks are not conversing to make sure i'm getting all of the shows in their entirety i want to watch. take for instance my addiction to cold case...well for some reason CBS is trying to make me crazy and not airing it at the time my guide tells me it is, instead i end up with the first half of the amazing race(really who give a shit about that show, i know i don't!) and the last half of cold case and yes the last half is the best part but i would like to see the first part too!! i'm so spoiled by my DVR that i just can't snap back into reality and realize the cable networks are not revolving around me and my preference of shows i want to watch. if i thought for one minute it would make a difference i would write to tell CBS to stop fucking with me and my beloved DVR but alas it would just fall into the black whole that is the complaint department and i would still be angry and missing the first half of cold case. BOO!
so i guess i'll just go back to finishing my wine and bitching on my blog about CBS and my DVR spoiling me.
later kids

Monday, November 10, 2008

When Bad Breath Attacks

So there is lovely man that I work with, he’s in his late 50s, super nice man, old as dirt but still nice. He’s my trainer for the time being
(I just switched shifts for “training” purposes, meaning some dumb bitch on the other shift didn’t like me and went tattled to her manager husband about me, oh did I mention she’s in her FIFTIES!!!!!, but that’s a story for another time, back on track…new shift, so I’m pretty sure that my boss told my new coworkers that I am retarded and need “special” attention)
back to my story…this lovely old man takes into account that he thinks I’m retarded and makes sure to explain every single task in minute detail to me, normally I wouldn’t mind and I would just go with it, but he has the most VILE disgusting breath I’ve ever smelled and to make matters worse he’s a CLOSE talker. I work in what’s called a clean room so if there is any sort of smell or odor it’s way more noticeable and his breath is so bad that I completely cannot pay attention to anything he's saying bc I'm trying to plan my escape route. At first I just thought it was morning breath…NOPE it’s ALL DAY BREATH! I’m pretty sure if I shoved straight shit into my nose it would probably have a more appealing smell than this man’s breath. I don’t want to be mean to him but there’s only so much breath holding and avoiding a person could do. I thought of just not breathing through my nose and only through my mouth(you know mouth breathers are in this season) but then the mask goes into my mouth and that’s just yucky….so I’m back to square one which consists of me running away or just pinging him on his Nextel. I can’t even offer him gum or candy bc we work in a clean room and it’s against the rules.
Well this was my rant for the day!