oh how i do adore this website, it allows me to blog about things i deem important or entertaining, i also allowed me to discover the wonderful world of blogging without the added hassle of paying for a domain name BUT then this lovely website decided to be a pain in my ass...
Strike 1-when i tried to change the template for the blog it wouldn't work and froze up. this happened several times, eventually i gave up and just picked a different template(of course after screaming strings of profanities loud enough for my poor dog to run and hide under the table...sorry chaz)
Strike 2- i wanted to do some random surfing and check out new and interesting blogs that weren't tied up in the little blog world in which i drown myself in on a daily basis, so i hit "next blog" button about 78,596 times and to my dismay only 6 were in english and the rest were in different languages and so much HTML it just looked like a damn jumbled mess OR were advertising something i didn't care about. boo!
Strike 3- every single picture i find to put behind my title, blogger finds something wrong with the code and won't let me put it there. i just want a little individuality in my blog but apparently blogger says "fuck you kristy J!" and i repeat said actions in strike 1.
so here i sit aggitated at blogger, no new blogs to read, and i'm at work and it's SATURDAY! i'm missing football and NO NEW BLOGS TO READ! i'm dying over here.
and to make matters worse my trainer ate garlic this morning OH THE HUMANITY!!!!
i'm done
peace out
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5 years ago
I'm glad I was able to entertain you!! Thanks for the compliment =)
And by the way, you'll have an amazing time in Greece. Good luck with everything!!
yeah, I used to use Blogger, then defected to Wordpress. I love Wordpress, but you it is much easier to alter your HTML code in Blogger, if you wanted to.
Wordpress NEXT button does the same damn thing! I wish you could put an option to only search English text sites.
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