don't get me wrong i love my DVR but i've gotten SO used to just DVRing everything i want to watch that i don't think about the fact that my DVR and the cable networks are not conversing to make sure i'm getting all of the shows in their entirety i want to watch. take for instance my addiction to cold case...well for some reason CBS is trying to make me crazy and not airing it at the time my guide tells me it is, instead i end up with the first half of the amazing race(really who give a shit about that show, i know i don't!) and the last half of cold case and yes the last half is the best part but i would like to see the first part too!! i'm so spoiled by my DVR that i just can't snap back into reality and realize the cable networks are not revolving around me and my preference of shows i want to watch. if i thought for one minute it would make a difference i would write to tell CBS to stop fucking with me and my beloved DVR but alas it would just fall into the black whole that is the complaint department and i would still be angry and missing the first half of cold case. BOO!
so i guess i'll just go back to finishing my wine and bitching on my blog about CBS and my DVR spoiling me.
later kids
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5 years ago
I think that is why some networks have shows run until 8:05 or 9:05. That extra 5 minutes totally fucks up people that are recording multiple shows.
I ran into this problem last year, and have since solved for it.
While I heart my DVR, I do miss my TIVO for this very reason.
I AM a fan of the Amazing Race (don't hate me!), and last year it was on on Sunday nights. Well, Sunday football (whom you should REALLY be writing your letter to) screwed everything up with their overtimes, and flags and interference. I would miss half of my show. Everyone would be running to the Finish Line and the show would just cut off. Annoying.
So now? I tape a 2 hour block of time. Just so I don't miss it.
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