so i've ignored this thing for like months or something...ooops my bad. the boy got home and i forgot everything i was doing before and enjoying all kinds of adventures with him. hmm so in other news...I GOT ENGAGED!!!! and we're getting married in like six weeks!! YAY! i know it's quick but it's good this way bc we're not sure what's going to be going on in the next year or jobs or living arrangements...soooo we'll be getting married on the beach in october! i'm so excited. it's all coming together pretty smoothly. i think the only thing we have left to take care of is the dreaded trip to the court house and sift through the ignorance and bullshit to get the marriage license.
in other news...i've come to hate my job and the morons i work with. it's basically like working in a really cool technical scientific place with people who couldn't troubleshoot their way out of a wet paper bag. and me and my infinite wisdom signed a TWO YEAR CONTRACT otherwise i have to pay them back like 12 thousand dollars. JEEZ! WTF was i thinking? apparently i wasn't..good job me!
in other news...well yes i think that's it. not a whole drink and have adventures with my fiance. my dog is still a 100lbs now...he eats like a horse and it's definitely putting a dent in my bank account. he's cute and a super great dog.
alright it's time to cook dinner...i'll try and keep up with this thing more.
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5 years ago
I'm watching your blog
Time for another blog entry please...I like you and I'll like you even more when you leave out your engagement details....GOD BLESS
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