so the past few days there has been a tremendous amount of shit (<--mostly work) happen that i have just stood there and squinted my eyes, cocked my head to one side, and with the most disdain possible in my voice said "are yew serious?!" and rather than rant and rave and make 546846 different blog entries i'll just make a list, i do luuuurve lists.
Ahem and on we go:
1)my schedule rotates, this week is my short week, love my short weeks, two 12 hour shifts then a gloorrrrrious three day weekend. i come in wednesday in a pretty good mood, made it through my drive without falling asleep, i'm informed there's a communication meeting in the auditorium. (usually these meetings are bullshit and it gives me a few extra minutes to prepare myself for the laziness of my coworkers or to giggle to myself that so many people don't own mirrors and if they do they are obviously not using them before they leave their house) as i'm walking to this meeting i'm hearing the whispers, the norm...bankruptcy, lay offs, new coffee shop, blah blah...i get into the meeting and we are abruptly informed that we as a company are broke, and in an effort to save our pathetic german ass everyone in support of 300 MM will be taking one mandatory UNPAID day off PER pay period for the next EIGHT pay period or SIXTEEN weeks. WTF?! it will only affect me for about 7 weeks but STILL! this is cutting my overtime, my 401K and my BONUS! "Are yew serious?!"
2) fast forward two hours, i'm checking my work email and deleting all the bullshit i get on a daily basis(people around here don't communicate face to face, they would rather fill up my inbox with emails from their blackberry) and i get the company newsletter, basically a worthless email that i delete, not this one this time though. i read it and got to one sentence that almost made me wet my pants, pause for a moment, here's the deal with this job i don't like it but it pays the bills so i can deal and i don't have to work here forever, just while my hubby is still stationed here, but to be at a job i hate that doesn't pay the bills, i'm not so much down with that or to lose it before i'm ready also not down with that, ok back to the story, the sentence in the email that almost made me wet my pants went something like this...if the company doesn't find an investor or stumble on a mountain of cash by the 14th of DECEMBER (<--as in ten days) liquidation will be necessary! "Are yew serious?!"
3) like i said before my schedule rotates on what is called a 5 and 2(one week i work five days mon, tues, fri, sat, sun, and the next week i work wed thurs) we have 4 shifts( 2 day shifts 2 night shifts) i recently got voluntold to switch the second day shift(was on the first day shift) the way the holidays fell this year was the first day shift(D1) had to work all the major holidays excluding new years(my FAVE) then when i switched to the second day shift(D2) i got those off excluding new years (BOO!) so when talking to my supervisor about switching i told him my concerns about having new years off bc on the other shift i wasn't going to have to use PTO and with coming to the new shift was i still going to be able to have it off, everyone else has had the opportunity to save the PTO up and i haven't blah blah blah. he said yes you should be fine no worries. so the first day he changed my status so i could apply for those days off, i did. there was already one person requesting both days off, his request was in waaaay before mine was, no biggie; APPROVED! so the supervisor approves new year's eve and then denies new years day!!! then come to find out approves it for some schmuck who put his request in almost A MONTH after i put mine in! "Are yew serious?!"
***UPDATE***i wrote the supe an email telling him that we already spoke of this situation and with all due respect i put my request in BEFORE the other guy and if he wouldn't give me vacation i'll take it without pay... he wrote me back telling me that i was right in recalling that we had ALREADY talked about it, and i was told i could have it off. so now i don't know what's going to happen. he'll either approve it or deny it and i'll take it without day.
4) i had a class this morning at 10am, i went down fifteen before hand, and when the class ended at 11am i went to lunch for an hour and 15, so i was gone from 945am to 1215ishpm, the agenda for today was two quarterly PMs, they take about an hour to an hour and a half to do. there were two OTHER people who are EXPERTS at these machines up here for that time period, so i was figuring cool i just finish up whatever is left and it will make for an easy afternoon...WRONG! i get up here after being gone for TWO and A HALF only to discover that NOT ONE DAMN THING has been done!!! "Are yew serious?!"
5) apparently around here it is customary that when you walk past someone's chair to grab the top of it, move it around and keep walking. this has happened somewhere between 45 times today. if it happens again i'm pretty sure i'm going to punch someone in the face. seriously stop touching my fuckin chair! (ohk not an are yew serious but along the same lines)
so now i'm done bitching for the moment and i need to go and complete these PMs that the experts couldn't handle.
i'm out
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5 years ago
1 comment:
damn, do we work for the same company?!?!?! :o)
I am on a call now regarding layoffs as well.
and the chair thing...that fucking drives me nuts. One guy always does it to me.
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