I feel, although this is my blog and I can bitch if I want to, I have been bitching entirely too much. I think it might be stress and the control freak in me not being in control of my situation but anyway I think I should do a happy post. I do have a ton of things in my life that make me happy and even more things that I am joyously thankful for. Also the things day to day that make laugh, and seeing as how it’s Sunday and I am at work, I need a pick me up so here we go:
1) My husband is super awesome. We have a blast together, not even really doing anything. We can sit around and laugh and joke and it’s the best time ever. We’re about to travel all the way to Greece together and I could not be happier that he is the person I am going with. It’s me and him all the way. He does sweet romantic things just for no reason. He puts up with the whole bag o crazy that is me and enjoys it all, always telling me how much he loves me. He does this voice, it's suposed to be me when I have my over the top moments, it's way high pitched and overly dramatic and probably the funniest thing I have ever heard(it has diffused a lot of "arguments"). And above all he knows when in doubt just get me some wine and I'll be fine :-)
2) Chaz Michael Michaels…the sweetest fluffiest goofiest drooliest dog ever! He’s so wonderful. He’s giant and knocks me over from time to time but only out of excitement to see me. He always knows how to cheer me up if I’m down about something. If I cry he makes sure to lick the tears away and in the process soak my face. His love of sticks is something to be admired, to find so much joy in something so simple is a quality we should all posses. He’s probably a little on the dramatic side but it makes for laughs between my husband and I. (Chaz and husband are both awesome but husband gets mad when I pet him or try to rub his belly )
3) My big giant wonderful family (in laws). At any given time there are always at least 15 people who want to talk and joke and laugh and tell stories and wondering how the hell you’re doing. The most accepting and loving people you could ever hope to meet.
4) The fact that I am getting out of shithole VA one way or another. We’re either jumping a plane to Greece or we’re going down to Florida to see how this business venture pans out.
5) My friends…there are few but they are great. They stick with me through all the craziness and drunken adventures.
6) The blogs I read(don’t judge me)…they are entertaining and funny and in some weird way insight into how to deal with situations that I have no experience in. The women who write those blogs seem like very smart strong women and that’s something I didn’t see a lot of growing up.
I know there’s more but there’s a furnace with a leak that’s calling my name(not really, the fatty who is here today is barking order in which I must oblige)
Kristy J
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5 years ago
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