first i hope everyone had an absolutely lovely christmas holiday with lots of food and family and laughing and of course wine.
this was my first christmas as a "wife" and sorta kinda a "mom" (chaz..the dog) my husband and i weren't in a position to travel this year for christmas, what with us moving next month and trying to afford it and a place for the dog and blah blah our solution was to have a "skype" christmas with his family in IL. if you don't know what skype is, it's a webcam service that let's you communicate via webcam with people wherever they might be. it was pretty cool. the next best thing to actually being there. we had a great time, we took turns opening gifts and telling stories. it was a great way to spend the holiday.
more news on the's official we ARE going to greece. we got the orders on the 23rd. we leave the shithole that is VA sometime next month, probably around the end of it. then we'll spend four months in IL, him in Chicago(during the week) and me in southern with his family. we'll do weekenders between and maybe some in Indi, that's where his sister lives. and we get to have our big reception in may before we leave. YAY!! then at the end of june we'll hop a verrrry long flight to greece and be there for atleast two years. S-T-O-K-E-D is the only way to describe it.
well that's all for now, i need to wander to look productive.
kristy J
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5 years ago
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