....not the will ferrell character...my dog's name is chaz michael michaels. i didn't name him...my wonderful boyfriend did. that was the agreement, i could have any kind of dog i wanted aslong as he got to name it....and that's how we ended up with chaz.
moving right along i took chaz to the river on monday afternoon. he loves to chase sticks and jump in the water and i wanted him to try out swimming(he's very good at it and looks adorable doing it) so we're playing fetch for awhile and he's having a ball. i throw the stick he bounces out there to get it and starts swimming back...he stops right as he got to the shore where the water starts(the "surf" if you will) and OF COURSE he stops squats and takes a dump right there in the river! there weren't a lot of people there...thank goodness...but there did happen to be these two little girls andtheir parents about fifty feet from where we were, and she caught site of chaz defecating in the water and proclaims as loud as her voice could go "look mommy the puppy is pooping!" so the whole family looks over at me and immediately they get the children out of the water. i can't get to the poop before it floats away. the mom comes over to me and tells me maybe i should have a little class before i bring my mongrel out into public. i stood up took my sunglasses off and said to her"excuse me?! you're honestly NOT going to stand there and tell me 1)i have no class bc my dog pooped in the water and 2) that one of your "precious" angels has never peed in the ocean/river, yah right! if you have that much of a problem with me and my mongrel then you should leave" and with that i threw the stick back into the water continued to play with my dog. they left shortly after that. i know what you're thinking...i make friends EVERYWHERE i go. ah well...
so all in all i'd say it was a perfectly lovely afternoon!
**so i have 16.5 days until my love comes home from deployment YAY!!!!!!!**
alright i need to walk around before i freeze up here.
peace bitches
Kristy J
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5 years ago
DANG! If someone insulted my dog I'd go commando on their asses too. I think there is something about dogs and water... Whenever we take our dog to the beach she runs right out into the surf and pinches a loaf right there, waves breaking over her and everything. She washes and repeats until we leave. I love my fluffy lil freakshow.
I would never let my boyfriend name my dog.
Partly because I like unique names, and partly because his favorite girls name is Lucy (my apologies to any Lucy's who read this). If we get married, I have already secretly decided that he is not naming our children.
That being said, I think the name Chaz Michael Michaels in awesome.
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