i'm starting to realize how much i irritate people on a daily basis with absolutely no effort whatsoever.
i noticed this yesterday when i went to get myself some delicious chicken from KFC. it was afternoon and bright outside so like normal human beings i had sunglasses on. they aren't the huge audrey hepburn singlasses just kinda oval and very me. i rarely take them off when i run into places(if i'm going shopping or sitting down to eat i'll take them off, if it's a quick in and out bit then no) so i walk in place my order, get my drink, and wait. and i look at the girl getting my food and she's whispering(read:yelling) about the "stuck up blonde bitch with her sunglasses on while she's inside" so i turn around and immediately start giggling. she hands me my food and starts asking me why i'm laughing...i just take my food tell her to have a nice day and as i do it i lifted my sunglasses up and nodded and walked out. ohk so it's kinda dumb but it made me smile. no idea my actions without even trying could actually grate on someone's nerves like that. granted it was a no education 16 year old who is probably supporting her coke habit but still...
onto another subject-the DC trip or shall we call it How to be hammered and still look fabulous!
it was A LOT of fun! the conference was a HUGE let down. i got upset cried a little and decided to crack open the three bottles of deliciously chilled wine in the hotel room...this started at 2pm on saturday afternoon. the three bottles of wine were empty by the time we left for dinner at 5:30pm....this entry will probably go faster if i list it
Top Ten Stupid Things I did/that happened in D.C.
1)drank an entire bottle of wine before my friends got back from the mall that was three blocks from the hotel
2)tipped over a room service tray full of water, hummus, and french fries all over me and my outfit
3)layed in the mess so i could respond to a text message
4)blow dryed my shirt and jeans dry(no hummus got on me just water) so i didn't have to change
5)forced all of the doormen and concierges to take pictures with my friends and i bc "we are f#cking important"
6)got cut off at hard rock at 9p.m.
7)got asked by a group of handicapped women if i had down syndrome
8)busted in on an innocent couple having sex in a bathroom stall while looking for my drunk friend who i thought was having sex in the bathroom stall
9)ordered mcdonalds and devoured a quarter pounder with cheese value meal LARGE and a double cheeseburger
10)drunk dialed my boyfriends family to tell them how much i LOOOVE them and their son/brother
so needless to say i enjoyed myself and at the same time continued to misbehave and make bad decision. WOO go me!
alright it's lunch time...peace bitches
Kristy J
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5 years ago
Dude drinking an entire bottle of wine is ENTIRELY too easy. What used to be an entire night's out worth of drinking has now been relegated to merely pre-gaming, oui?
I wear my sunglasses inside. Sometimes by accident. Sometimes not.
I know what you're thinking... "thats badass".
And I totally agree.
That is SO my kind of trip. Although I am totally jealous about the whole getting cut off at 9pm thing. How have I not managed to accomplish this most amazing task? I think I'm gonna have to one up you and shoot for 9am. =)
Thanks SO much for the sidebar mention! I was thrilled when I clicked over and saw it and thrilled all the more when I discovered another kick-ass blog to read!
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