so i've been randomly stopping by people's blogs that i found on jen lancaster's blog...gotta say it was a fun trip. then i realized i should actually post a blog instead of just commenting...and besides i eventually want some of those people to comment my blog and i don't think you can comment an empty page.
so here goes(never done this before)
a little about yours truly:
->i'm a hard core procrastinator(hence blogging instead of paying attention to the things i should be training on at work)
->definitely have some form of ADD or just an incredibly small attention span but it does make for interesting phone conversations
->my dog is definitely my best friend(i moved away from my friends after the navy for a new job) now i live in what pretty much could be defined as a large retirement home, nothing but old people and complete with stuck up rich kids. soo my dog and i hang out a lot.
->i have a great boyfriend who keeps me on my toes with his endless amount of sarcasm and never ending adventures for us to go on, he's also super sweet(he at this moment is on a deployment in the navy..hence my dog being my best friend)
->i am by NO means whatsoever a writer. i don't have the flow of the words or ways to make them sound neat but i do have a lot of chaotic weirdly interesting and definitely entertaining thoughts running around inside of my blonde coiffed head.
->i'm deeply sarcastic and very rarely keep my mouth shut even unfortunately if it means offending someone...with that said if i say something on here that offends bad don't come back.
->i love shopping and shoes and lunching with the girls and mani/pedis and champagne brunches or wine tastings or basically any excuse whatsoever to drink wine or champagne, huge fan of girlie movies and gossiping for endless amounts of time throughout my day
->also love chugging beer and playing beer pong, the occasional(ohk constant flow) of dirty obscene jokes, i drop a lot of F bombs, pretty much get treated like one of the guys...with a nicer rack and better nails of course
->i have a geek job that i don't fit in with but the people are pretty cool so we get along. the conversations at work...lord that's a whole nother blog.
->i over analyze everything and consider myself a perfectionist
->the beach is where it's at(eventhough i loathe ocean water and sand on my body)
->i won't always make my blogs in the form of lists
->this is getting a little ridiculous
->i think you get the idea of who i am and a little of what i am about
peace bitches
Kristy J
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5 years ago
1 comment:
yay thanks so much for stopping by my blog and good luck with yours- i'll keep checking in :)
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