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I don't live in a big city like boston and NYC but I do happen to live in an area chock full of military…people from boston and NYC that didn't feel the need to get a driver's license until the age of 25 or so…making driving around here feel like being the only sane person in a mental institution.
I won't ever understand the point of putting your blinker on AFTER you've switched lanes and have already cut me off causing me to slam on my brakes and scream never ending string of cuss words.
Or riding my ass in the RIGHT lane flashing your lights and honking at me to get over. PASS ON THE LEFT!!!!!
My favorite is probably when someone is riding in my blind spot while I have my turn signal on…this in turn means I speed up to pass you then you get pissed at me for "cutting you off" and ride my ass while honking and flashing your lights. God that just makes my day!
Needless to say I have turned into an asshole driver(I'm still a GOOD driver which is important.) Probably not up to the asshole level of the big city drivers but definitely an asshole. If someone tries to pass me I speed up and maintain my spot in the lane. If on the off chance someone does pass me I make sure to return the gracious favor of laying on my horn and flashing my lights while riding their ass.
Driving around here makes me insane. It gets to the point where I don't want to drive. Soon I'll live somewhere that I won't have to drive…then I can bitch about public transportation and the way cab drivers drive.
Well that's all the bitching I can muster up for now. I'm sure there will be more.
Peace bitches
Kristy J
my schedule at work is alternated so some weeks i have weekends off and other weeks i have wed/thurs this particular story it was a wed/thurs combination. i decided to make the 60 mile journey to va beach to see the initiator and all of my other friends. that wednesday started off normal...took care of a few things here and then went down there.she had and MRI so we took are of that and then decided it was time for dinner. we were celebrating(not sure what but we were) we went to P.F. Changs...i had never been there...we ordered and drank a few glasses of wine. after we finished the food, we decided to step outside for a smoke(we told the bartender to hold our seats) so we come back inside and our seats have been taken. we give the bartender a "WTF" kinda look...he seats us at the other end of the bar and apologizes and comes back with a large flask of saki. *i had never had saki before* we were excited and proceeded to shoot saki and chase it with wine(seemed like a good idea at the time) after the saki is gone i realize there is no way i can drive us back to her house to get ready to go out to the bar. her roommate has to come pick us up. at this point we are entirely too hammered and should have just called it a night...but obviously we didn't.we went to this place called town's like a fake downtown...bars, shops, places to eat...things of that nature. there are two bars we looooove to go to Gordon Birsch and Keagans. we started at GB had a few microbrews then stumbled next door to Keagans.there was a singer there playing different kinds of music and taking requests. once i got my drink and made the rounds to say hi to everyone and take numerous drunk pictures i asked the guy to play "brown eyed girl" bc i LOOOOVE that song. i asked him and he said he would. the night moves on..more and more drinks...more and more pictures...more and more asking this guy to play this song. the night moves on the same as it has been...i'm behaving myself thus far. now it's about 1am and he still hasn't played my i bum rush the stage steal his microphone and proceed to rip this guy a new one until he promises to play this song. he friend and i dance (read:stumble and fall down) after the completion of the dancing and singing i make my way to the bar for another beer(bc that's what i need at this point) and the bartender hands me three little glasses with pretty blue liquid in them and tells me "you're awesome these are on me" i squeal and pass them around and take my designated shot. DE-LIC-SHUS!!!! i have no idea what was in them but i do know that 15 minutes later is when everything goes blurry and then black. so this is when my friends had to take over bc i have no idea what happened. we left obviously but i told them i was NOT getting in the truck with them bc they were just as drunk as me(in all reality NO ONE was as drunk as me) so then they bribed me and told me there was booze in the truck...i obliged and hauled ass to the truck for more beers. while in the truck on the way to my friends house we sang very loudly to some 80s song on the radio and i spilled some beer on my face,shirt, and skirt. i get home and my friend, the instigator, and i proceeded to sing karaoke until the wee hours of the morning before finally passing out around 6am. the next day we woke up and decided to buy matching outfits for the beach, headed to target and started trying on clothes...we decided on matching green plaid pants, striped green bags, big green hats, green medalion necklaces, and green plaid flops. we looked "interesting" we made our way to the beach but not before stopping to pick up a 24 pack of beer. the rest of the day was fun in the sun drinking beers and making fun of the anorexic "12" year old our friend brought to the beach in hopes of "hitting that"good times.and on a more sober note: my love comes home on friday! YAY!!!!!! time to get back to work. peace bitchesKristy J